Facility Planning

125-year-old Catholic school in Chicago will go co-ed, build new facility

De La Salle Institute, on the city's South Side, will merge separate girls' and boys' campuses at one site.
Aug. 31, 2015

De La Salle Institute, a Catholic high school with separate campuses for boys and girls on the South Side of Chicago, has announced plans to combine those programs into a unified co-ed campus at one site.

"We are very excited about the multitude of benefits that becoming a co-educational high school will bring to the De La Salle and Chicagoland communities, says Father Novak, president of De La Salle.

De La Salle has been a boys high school since 1889. In 2002, it opened the Lourdes Hall Campus, a high school program for girls, in a facility about a mile and a half west of the boys' campus.

In announcing the school's merger plans, Novak also disclosed plans to build a new facility to house 1,200 students from the merged schools. The new building would be constructed adjacent to the existing De La Salle boys' campus. He said the school would begin a capital campaign in 2016 to pay for the new facilities.

YouTube Video from De La Salle:


About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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