
WEB EXCLUSIVE: School as a teaching tool | Hawkins Elementary School in Toledo, Ohio

June 1, 2009
When the new Hawkins Elementary School, Toledo, Ohio, opens in January 2010, students will be exposed directly to environmentally friendly practices and alternative energy systems.

When the new Hawkins Elementary School, Toledo, Ohio, opens in January 2010, students will be exposed directly to environmentally friendly practices and alternative energy systems.

The project will include two wind turbines to be installed on site, one “propeller-style” horizontal axis turbine, and one “corkscrew” vertical axis, Helix turbine. From a monitoring system in the Commons, students will be able to study the wind energy created, and more important, gain an appreciation for alternative energy systems. The turbines will generate supplemental power for lighting the school.

The Commons provides an informal gathering space for lessons about the wind turbines, ice storage tanks, rain garden, and other out-of-class learning opportunities.

The green initiatives are being completed from a standard budget through the Ohio School Facilities Commission.

Architect for the project is The Collaborative Inc. (Toledo, Ohio)

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