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School threats continue to cite Virginia Tech

Across the country, many school have received threats since April 16 campus massacre.
May 10, 2007
2 min read

Students by the hundreds skipped classes at Petaluma (Calif.) High School Wednesday after threats of a Virginia Tech-style massacre were posted on MySpace pages. Someone hacked into student MySpace Web pages and posted messages stating that they would show up at the school "strapped" with the intent of "beating the high score of 33." Thirty-three refers to the number who died at Virginia Tech last month. School officials believed the threat was a hoax, but more police were on campus Wednesday as a precaution. Click here to read The Los Angeles Times article.

A Crystal Lake (Ill.) Central High School student has been charged with felonies after he wrote threats on a bathroom wall that referred to the recent shooting rampage at Virginia Tech. Click here to read The Chicago Tribune article.

A Novi (Mich.) High School student is facing felony charges after authorities say he was caught scrawling a bomb threat on a bathroom wall. A school district employee spotted Roger Crowe, 18, leaving a bathroom Tuesday at the Instructional Technology Center. A short time later, the employee found the threat, which stated there was a bomb in the building. Police say Crowe confessed to the threat but said it was a joke. No explosives were found. At the time the threat was written, more than 1,100 students and staff members were in the building. Click here to read The Detroit Free Press article.

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