December 2008
- Dec. 4-6: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools National Symposium, Washington, D.C.
- Dec. 4-6: Association for Career and Technical Education, annual convention, Charlotte, N.C.
- Dec. 21-29: Hanukkah
- Dec. 25: Christmas
January 2009
- Jan. 19: Martin Luther King Day
- Jan. 26-28: International Air-Conditioning, Heating Refrigeration Exposition (AHR Expo), Chicago
- Jan. 21-24: Association of American Colleges and Universities, annual meeting, Washington, D.C.
- Jan. 28-20: College and University Performance Conference 2009, Arlington, Va.
- Feb. 1-4: National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, annual meeting, Washington D.C.
- Feb. 1-5: National Roofing Contractors Association, 122nd Annual Convention and Exhibit, Las Vegas
- Feb. 2-6: National School Counseling Week
- Feb. 6-7: Council of Education Facility Planners International, annual High Performance Schools Symposium, Tampa
- Feb. 16: Presidents Day
- Feb. 19-21: American Association of School Administrators, 2009 National Conference on Education, San Francisco
- Feb. 21-25: International Reading Association, Annual Convention West, Phoenix
- Feb. 25-27: National Association of Independent Schools, annual conference, "Schools of the Future: Sailing the Winds of Change," Chicago
- Feb. 27-March 1: National Association of Secondary School Principals, annual convention, San Diego
- March 2-6: National School Breakfast Week
- March 5-7: National School Supply and Equipment Association, Ed Expo and School Equipment Show, Dallas
- March 7-11: Nourishing Partnerships for Lifelong Learning, 2009 conference, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, Seattle
- March 8: Daylight Saving Time begins
- March 8-11: National Association of Campus Card Users (NACCU), 16th Annual Conference, Orlando
- March 10-12: Consortium for School Networking, 2009 K-12 School Networking Conference, Austin, Texas
- March 10-12: National Facilities Management & Technology Conference and Expo, Baltimore
- March 14-17: Council Of The Great City Schools, legislative/policy conference, Washington, D.C.
- March 22-25: TechEd 2009, 14th Annual Technology in Education International Conference & Tech Exposition, Ontario, Calif.
- March 23-25: Society for College and University Planning 2009 Pacific Regional Conference, "Strategies for the University Presidents Climate Commitment," Denver
- March 26-28: International Technology Education Association, 71st annual conference, Louisville, Ky.
- March 28-31: Modular Building Institute, annual convention, Las Vegas
- March 28-April 1: American College Personnel Association, annual convention, National Harbor, Md.
- April 2-6: National Association of Elementary School Principals, 88th annual convention and exposition, New Orleans, La.
- April 4-7: National School Boards Association, 69th annual conference, San Diego
- April 4-7: American Association of Community Colleges, 89th annual convention, Phoenix
- April 6-8: National School Plant Management Association, 2009 annual conference, Atlantic City, N.J.
- April 8: Passover begins at sundown
- April 12: Easter Sunday
- April 12-18: National Library Week
- April 14-16: National Catholic Education Association, annual convention and expo, Anaheim, Calif.
- April 19-22: National Association of Educational Procurement, 88th annual meeting, Providence, R.I.
- April 30-May 2: American Institute of Architects, 2009 National Convention and Design Exposition, San Francisco
- May 3-7: International Reading Association, Annual Convention North Central, Minneapolis
- May 6: National School Nurses Day
- May 10: Mother's Day
- May 18-22: Acoustical Society of America, 157th meeting, Portland, Ore.
- May 25: Memorial Day
- June 2-4: School Building Expo, Pittsburgh, Pa.
- June 3-5: 7th Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities Conference, Awards and Trade Show, sponsored by Green Roofs for Healthy Cities, Atlanta
- June 8-11: National Fire Protection Association, World Safety Conference and Exposition, Chicago
- June 16-19: Construction Specification Institute, Construct2009, Indianapolis, Ind.
- June 20-23: International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Officers (IACLEA), 51st annual conference, Quebec City, Quebec
- June 21: Father's Day
- June 25-28: National Association of School Nurses, 41st annual conference, Boston
- June 26-29: PTA, 113th annual national convention, Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
- June 27-30: Association of College and University Housing Officers-International, annual conference, Baltimore
- June 27-30: National Association of College and University Business Officers, annual meeting, Boston
- June 28-July 1: American School Counselor Association, annual conference, Dallas
- June 28-July 1: International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), 30th annual National Educational Computing Conference, Washington, D.C.
- June 28-July 1: National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA), 2009 National Seminar, Communications: The Bridge to Educational Success, San Francisco
- June 29-July 2: School Nutrition Association, 2009 annual conference, Las Vegas
- June 29-July 3: National Association of School Resource Officers, national conference, Baltimore
- July 1-6: National Education Association (NEA), 147th annual meeting, 88th representative assembly, San Diego
- July 4: Independence Day
- July 8-10: The Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers (APPA), 2009 conference, Focusing on the Critical Few, Vancouver, B.C.
- July 8-10: Education Commission of the States, 2009 National Forum on Educational Policy, Nashville, Tenn.
- July 9-15: American Library Association, annual conference, Chicago
- July 12-15: Campus Safety Health and Environmental Management Association, annual conference, New Orleans
- July 18-22: Society for College and University Planning (SCUP), annual international conference, Portland, Ore.
- Aug. 21: Ramadan begins
- Sept. 7: Labor Day
- Sept 18: Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown)
- Sept. 19: Ramadan ends
- Sept. 26-29: Council of Educational Facility Planners International (CEFPI), annual world conference and expo, Washington, D.C.
- Sept. 27: Yom Kippur (begins at sundown)
- Oct. 5: Child Health Day
- Oct. 6-9: International Sanitary Supply Association, ISSA/Interclean convention, Chicago
- Oct. 7-10: Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT), 2009 congress, San Francisco
- Oct. 12: Columbus Day
- Oct. 12-15: National Parking Association, 58th Annual Convention and Exposition, Washington, D.C.
- Oct. 12-16: Association of University Interior Designers, annual conference, East Lansing, Mich.
- Oct. 13-16: American Association of School Personnel Administrators, annual conference, Hartford, Conn.
- Oct. 15-17: National Association of State Boards of Education, annual meeting, Cincinnati
- Oct. 23-26: Association of School Business Officials International, annual meeting, Chicago
- Oct. 26-30: Acoustical Society of America, 158th meeting, San Antonio
- Oct 28-30: National School Boards Association/ITTE, Annual Technology + Learning Conference, Denver
- Oct. 28-Nov. 1: Council Of The Great City Schools, annual fall conference, Portland, Ore.
- Oct. 31-Nov. 3: Community College Business Officers, Annual International Conference, Rancho Mirage, Calif.
- Oct. 31-Nov. 5: National Association for Pupil Transportation, annual conference, Louisville, Ky.
- Nov. 1: Daylight Saving Time ends
- Nov. 5-7: National Middle School Association, annual conference, Indianapolis, Ind.
- Nov. 5-8: National Association for Gifted Children, annual convention, St. Louis
- Nov. 8-11: National Association of College Auxiliary Services, annual conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Nov. 11: Veterans Day
- Nov. 15-17: National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges, annual meeting, Washington, D.C.
- Nov. 18-21: National Association for the Education of Young Children, annual conference, Washington, D.C.
- Nov. 26: Thanksgiving
- Nov. 19-21: Association for Career and Technical Education, annual convention, Nashville
- Dec. 11-19: Hanukkah
- Dec. 25: Christmas