A Glimpse of the Inside

Aug. 1, 2002
How the jurors in the 2002 Educational Interiors Showcase selected Citation winners.

Over two days, jurors for the 2002 Educational Interiors Showcase examined more than 100 outstanding education projects. This year, the panel was challenged with a new category: Interior Renovation. As the jurors reviewed projects, both new construction and retrofits, they honored projects that embodied these qualities:

  • Adaptability/flexibility: Designs that reinvent space for other functions; re-creating space without moving walls; recognizing the needs and wants of multiple stakeholders, now and in the future.

  • Aesthetics: Appropriate use of proportion and scale; beauty that complements the surroundings.

  • Functionality: Ease of connectivity and use; a facility that embraces a school's curricular goals.

  • Innovation/Creativity: Novel ways of solving old, traditional problems and questions; using best practices.

  • Maintainability: Cost-effective use of materials and equipment.

  • Security/Safety: Creating a place where students feel comfortable, safe and well-protected; facilities with good visibility and points of control; designs that effectively integrate life safety.

  • Technology: Projects that successfully integrate the present and future.

Alan S. Bigger
Kevin M. Greischar
David M. Hill

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