May 2012 Product Solutions

May 1, 2012
Product solutions/case studies from the May 2012 issue

HVAC Efficiency

High Turndown Yields High Marks at School With Fuel Reduction

Aerco. Roaring Brook Elementary School, Avon, Conn., was built in 1962, and although the school had gone through several renovations over the years, the mechanical systems remained outdated.The original mechanical room consisted of two cast-iron boilers and a separate gas-fired boiler to feed their indirect fired hot-water storage generators. The boilers were vented into a common chimney.

Officials at Roaring Brook knew that commercial heating technology had come a long way, but felt limited by the traditional terminal units in the hydronic system. Even with the growing cost of energy, combined with shrinking public education resources, they knew it was time to replace the school’s old, inefficient heating system.

Walter McIlveen Associates was commissioned to provide the school with hydronic and domestic hot-water heating to increase the system’s efficiency. The school’s hydronic system requires a supply water temperature (SWT) of 180°F at design conditions, so simply putting in any condensing boilers was not going to be enough. A solution was found with two AERCO Benchmark BMK-2.0LN high turndown boilers. Using Aerco’s BMS-168 boiler management system to communicate with the existing automation system gave the “intelligent” system the flexibility to supply space heating and domestic hot-water production most efficiently. The system’s venting was upgraded with plastic pipe for intake and AL29-4C stainless for the exhaust discharge. Both were run through the roof in small diameter piping to integrate into the building’s decor.

Immediately, the school noticed changes, such as the boilers cycling less frequently and the reduction of natural gas.

Select the May 2012 issue RSN number 153 on AS&U's Product Information site for more information.

Access control

Videx. The CyberLock family of access-control products enables schools to track and control access throughout a facility. The electronic locks and keys record openings, including exceptions such as unauthorized attempts to gain entry. The detailed audit reports of each person’s key activity and lock openings demonstrate an education institution’s due diligence in securing its physical assets. The system’s e-mail alerts keep management updated so informed decisions can be made when security issues arise.

Select the May 2012 issue RSN number 150 on AS&U's Product Information site for more information.

Green bulletin

Steelscape, Inc. The company has developed “Sustainability Technical Bulletins” relating to issues that directly or indirectly impact the steel value chain. The goal of these bulletins is to inform and educate the market, based on the latest available and verifiable information, regarding aspects of environmentally focused construction. Technical bulletin #3 focuses on Voluntary Green Building and Product Programs, which represent efforts at the federal, state and/or local level to ensure building construction (or in some cases remodeling) takes into account the environmental and health aspects of a project.

Select the May 2012 issue RSN number 151 on AS&U's Product Information site for more information.

Rubber flooring

nora systems, Inc. noraplan unita, a unique rubber floor covering, integrates real granite chips into the flooring. The product offers 16 different colorways, named after mountain peaks and ranges, that comprise the natural color palette that supports the design effect. Each color incorporates real granite chips, and four colorways feature a stunning glitter effect to distinguish the new design. It is available in 2mm rolls and is GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified for Children and Schools.

Select the May 2012 issue RSN number 152 on AS&U's Product Information site for more information.

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