Security Supplement Product Solutions

Feb. 1, 2006
New products/Case studies

Camera technology


OmniScape is an ultra-wide megapixel camera that maintains 360-degree surveillance with pan-tilt-zoom technology and no moving parts. It is ideal for situations where continuous panoramic vision is required and extra information concerning an alarm event is needed. It includes video motion detection, privacy blanking, two analog outputs, programmed presets and guard tours.
Circle 250 for more information

Safety tread

Sure-Foot Industries Corp.

The Ultimate Safety Tread has two safety strips — one that glows in the dark and one that reflects light to provide increased visibility and protection in dimly lit areas. The white glow-in-the-dark strip is visible to people coming down the steps and leaving a building, and the yellow reflective strip is illuminated by the beam of a flashlight from a firefighter or emergency response worker coming up the steps.
Circle 251 for more information

Emergency response

NetTalon Security Systems

The System 3000 can network local fire departments with campus residence halls. Firefighters can examine details of a fire and begin to form strategies before leaving the firehouse. The system's speed and ability to visualize the fire greatly increases speed of deployment and efficacy of response. The system reports alarm conditions to all authorized monitoring stations within two seconds of a sensor or smoke detector going into alarm.
Circle 252 for more information

Emergency evacuation

Fire Control Instruments/Honeywell

The capabilities of the E3 expandable system extend beyond basic fire protection. The system is proficient in emergency mass notification and evacuation as well. With its modular construction, the E3 is easy to install, and components can be purchased as needed to expand the system. An entire system working on only 10 modules, the E3 is produced under lower lead times and is a cost-effective solution.
Circle 253 for more information

Card system

Datacard Group

Datacard ID solutions offer a complete portfolio of integrated ID products to fit school needs. Datacard Group offers powerful, affordable solutions that incorporate the technologies schools and universities need to support card programs for cafeterias, building access, libraries and computer labs. Its modular solutions can expand to accommodate changing program needs.
Circle 254 for more information

Access-control software

Millennium Group, Inc.

The latest version of Millenium Enterprise Access Control software features full integration with the First Line series of digital video recorders. Requiring only a network connection, it is able to display video in response to any alarm triggered. Full DVR configuration from within the program also is supported. The software is able to support 100,000 fully distributed intelligent access points and unlimited client workstations.
Circle 255 for more information

Stepping up security

School replaces mechanical keys with electronic access-control system

IR Security & Safety

Dwight-Englewood School, Englewood, N.J., has eliminated key-control problems, simplified door lockdowns and improved the overall feeling of security at its multi-building campus by installing an electronic access-control system.

The school had used a conventional mechanical key system and experienced the usual problems of key control: the potential for unauthorized duplication, lost keys, and the time and expense of re-keying. Recently, the school converted access control on the exterior doors of its classroom buildings from mechanical keys to the Schlage Security Management electronic access-control system.

“We use it to control access after hours,” says Kevin Herron, director of the physical plant. “We can control it building by building so we can close the classrooms earlier and leave the library open until 7 p.m., for example. It saves time because the security people don't have to go around and lock the doors as they did in the past.”

Another advantage is the peace of mind that comes from the ability to lock down the entire campus in case of an intruder or other emergency. The system also can be accessed through one of three authorized PCs, as well as remotely when necessary. In addition to exterior doors, the school has installed a reader on an interior door to control access to the weightroom at its athletic complex.

Proximity cards are issued to all faculty and staff members, and the system includes card readers at the entrances and a controller that manages access, as defined by the school's database and access rules. It allows access to be restricted to specific buildings and by time of day.
Circle 256 for more

One card fits all

College manages access control and student identification with one card

Compass Technologies

Bryn Mawr College, Bryn Mawr, Pa., was established in 1885 as a female undergraduate liberal-arts institution. About 95 percent of students live on campus in 11 residence halls and houses, and other associated housing.

To answer its needs for visual identification in the libraries, three dining areas, the gym and computer centers, and for general identification, the college initiated a one-card system. The system was installed by NuVision Networks and included an associated multi-user, multi-platform-based 5E access-control system by Compass Technologies.

The first trial of the system was in the Roberts Road student village. This complex of century-old former faculty houses was being renovated for student use. A pilot installation of the access-control system was completed, and an initial re-carding event was held soon after. With the pilot installation a success, the college wanted to proceed with installing the overall access-control system.

Installation began in May 2004 as the school year closed. When students returned in August, every student residence and the three main libraries had access control up and operating — a total of more than 180 doors, 90 of them access points.

The college's overall administrative system is PeopleSoft, and the new systems had to be linked directly and respond to activation through PeopleSoft. The systems are updated from PeopleSoft to NuVision to Compass Technologies every 24 hours, and NuVision updates Compass Technologies about every four minutes. This facilitates production of new cards and is helpful in turning cards off quickly if necessary.

The installer recommended a door-prop alarm on every exterior door, which includes an allowable opening time, a pre-alarm, a second alarm and a key-switch bypass. The program also gives the public-safety department the ability to bypass the alarm for move-in or to meet the needs of public-safety officers, facilities personnel and housekeepers.
Circle 257 for more

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