Market Watch: Facilities

Aug. 1, 2001
Of the 60 schools in Columbus, Ohio, that the state's School Facilities Commission has reviewed, only 14 are worth saving. The commission found that according to its guideline, repairing and renovating those 46 buildings would cost so much that it would ...

Of the 60 schools in Columbus, Ohio, that the state's School Facilities Commission has reviewed, only 14 are worth saving.

The commission found that according to its guideline, repairing and renovating those 46 buildings would cost so much that it would not make sense to repair them. The guidelines state that a building should be replaced if its renovation cost is more than two-thirds of a new facility.

An evaluation of 84 other schools in the district will be completed soon.

The district has discussed holding a levy election in November 2002 to pay for a massive construction program that would upgrade its deteriorating facilities.

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