Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta
The green cleaning initiatives started at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2003, and over the years it has found innovative ways to cut costs and green the campus. One of the green cleaning efforts has contributed to a major cost reduction while freeing the campus of toxic chemicals.
In May 2009, it initiated a pilot program using deionized water spray devices. Using an ATP meter, workers performed a test with the charged water-cleaning device and regular hospital-grade disinfectant, and found that the charged water cleaned and sanitized more effectively than the hospital-grade cleaners.
In May 2010, it expanded this green cleaning technology campuswide with 200 units in operation. Chemical inventory was reduced to three products, and chemical costs were reduced by 70 percent over the prior year. This new technology further has established the case that green cleaning is cost-friendly. The goal is to eradicate chemicals on campus.
Another positive side effect of the new technology is a favorable absentee rating. In addition, the Environmental Health & Safety office has documented fewer complaints of poor indoor air quality.
Program Information
Number of students: 20,000
Square footage maintained: 7 million
Number of full-time custodians: 225
Annual cleaning budget: $6 million
Green cleaning team members: Chuck Rhode, Assoc. V.P. of Facilities; Warren Page, Dir. of Operation & Maintenance; Tommy Little, Mgr., Bldg. Svcs.; Mandale Mitchell, Chalette Mitchell, Cindy Smith, Gwen Marks, Oscar Shropshire, Vickie LeGrand, Willa Chatman, Alphonso Stanfield, Greg Clower, Courtney Stinson, Antonio English, Bldg. Svcs. Supervisors; Daniel Desaussure, Taffie Maynard, Superintendents; Stan Smith, Program Supp. Mgr.; Marvin Mosley, Storeroom Clerk; Yolanda Bennett, Judy Minniefield, Admin. Assts.; Wendy Welker, Prog. Coord.; Photos: Georgia Institute of Technology/Jennifer Tyner