Asumag 303 201210 Greenhouse Growth

Greenhouse Provides Space for Growing and Learning

Oct. 1, 2012
Bridgehampton Union Free School, Bridgehampton, N.Y., gets a new greenhouse.

Bridgehampton Union Free School, Bridgehampton, N.Y., is a pre-K-to-12 school set in an area with a centuries-old agricultural history. With a lack of growing space, the students and teachers were forced to grow their crops on an artificially lighted plant stand in an unheated storage area in the school’s basement. The students at Bridgehampton were having little success and needed a more suitable space.

The school chose to install a greenhouse as its new laboratory, growing space and classroom. Because of the large open space the greenhouse provides, Bridgehampton Union Free School has found some surprise benefits. "The greenhouse has become our largest classroom space in the school," says Judiann Carmack-Fayyaz, a teacher at the school. "It has been used for meetings, fundraisers and for growing produce for our school cafeteria. The greenhouse has provided a wonderful learning space for a group of motivated students."

Bridgehampton was able to outfit its greenhouse with all the accessories it needed to create an ideal growing environment for students. "The greenhouse has created an environment which nourishes not only plants, but also children," says Carmack-Fayyaz. "The greenhouse and garden have created close friendships among our students, who come regularly on weekends and during the summer to spend time taking care of the plants. We are very happy."

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