
$190 million school bond proposal goes to Sioux Falls voters in September

July 24, 2018
It has been 21 years since the district's last bond election.

The Sioux Falls (S.D.) school board has called for a September election to win approval of a $190 million bond for new schools

The Sioux Falls Argus Leader reports that if voters approve the bond, the district will have a new high school, middle school and elementary school by 2024 to address an expected 10 percent increase in enrollment. The bond funds also would pay for accessibility and safety upgrades, along with other renovations. 

The district needs more than 60 percent of voters to vote for the bond for it to pass, Superintendent Brian Maher says. The election is Sept. 18.

Sioux Falls has built three schools since 2014 to address growth, but this would be the first bond issue since 1997. A new high school hasn't been built in 26 years.

"This is the right thing for our district," board member Kate Parker says. "We are a growing city, and we need to make sure the children of our city have every opportunity. That's going to mean more facilities, so those kids have a place to be educated." 

In May, a 30-member task force unveiled its proposal to ask the school board to build three new campuses by 2024. 

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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