Photo 210507002 © Scharfsinn86 |
electric bus

Boston school district looks to electrify bus fleet by 2030

April 8, 2022
The district will add 20 electric buses in 2022-23 with a goal of replacing all diesel buses by the end of the decade.

The Boston district will add 20 electric school buses in 2022-23 as it moves toward full electrification of its fleet by the end of the decade.

The city says in a news release that its environment department is working with the school system to replace the diesel buses now being used to transport most students. 

The district now has 739 buses, which account for 11% of the city’s municipal emissions. Since 2016, the district has been working to replace diesel buses with buses that run on liquid propane, an interim step to reduce emissions.

Electric school buses will eliminate tailpipe emissions, address air quality and noise concerns around school pickup and drop-off, offer a more healthful work environment for bus drivers and monitors, and potentially offer cost savings over the entire bus life cycle.

The city also is working with the school district to train green economy workers through a “train the trainer” electric vehicle maintenance program at Madison Park Technical Vocational High School. Graduates of the program will be certified to teach students the proper and safest way to repair and maintain electric vehicles.

Funds for the program will come from the district's operating budget and Covid-19 relief aid.

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