University of Michigan

University of Michigan fires its president

Jan. 17, 2022
Mark Schlisshel was dismissed after the university investigated allegations of an inappropriate relationship with a university employee.

The University of Michigan has fired its president after investigating an inappropriate relationship he had with a university employee. reports that the university's Board of Regents announced that it was removing Mark Schlissel as president, effective immediately. Former University of Michigan president Mary Sue Coleman will serve as interim president.

“After an investigation, we learned that Dr. Schlissel, over a period of years, used his university email account to communicate with [a] subordinate in a manner inconsistent with the dignity and reputation of the university,” the board said in a news release.

Schlissel, had served as the university’s president since 2014.

The probe of Schlissel began in December after the board received an anonymous complaint that Schlissel was involved in an alleged sexual affair with a university employee.

Dozens of emails released by the university show Schlissel sent flirtatious messages, ordered food, discussed travel plans and sent face masks to the employee.

Demonstrating an inappropriate tone and language, the board wrote, Schlissel was also rebuked for using University of Michigan business to “carry out a personal relationship” with an employee.

Schlissel has led the University of Michigan as it was working to overhaul its sexual misconduct policies after former athletes came forward to say Dr. Robert Anderson sexually abused them and former provost Martin Philbert was fired for sexually harassing university employees and having sexual relationships with subordinates.

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