The Barstow School
The Barstow School 61ba4908a2105

Private Kansas City, Mo., school receives $7.5 million donation for construction projects

Dec. 15, 2021
The Barstow School's anonymous donor requests that $3 million of the gift go toward a new athletic center.

An anonymous donor has given a $7.5 million to a private school in Kansas City, Mo., for campus construction.

The Barstow School, a K-12 school that sits on the State Line separating Missouri and Kansas, says that a majority of the funds will go toward building a new athletic center on its campus.

The donation does not restrict how the funds may be used by the school, but the donor has asked for the funds to be directed to specific projects:

  • $3 million is to be allocated for a new athletic center.
  • $1.5 million is to be spent on new roofs on campus buildings.
  • $1 million is earmarked for The Barstow IDEA Space in Leawood, Kan., across State Line Road from the main campus.

The school says the $7.5 million gift is Barstow's largest ever.

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