Emporia State University
Allison Garrett

Emporia State University president has been named Oklahoma's chancellor of higher education

Sept. 28, 2021
Allison Garrett, the first woman to hold the position, succeeds Glen Johnson, who has been Oklahoma's chancellor since 2007.

Emporia State University president Allison Garrett has resigned to become chancellor of Oklahoma's higher education system. 

Garrett has served as Emporia State University's president since 2016, reports Hays Post

Garrett will lead 25 colleges and universities in Oklahoma, reports ksn.com news.

Her final day at Emporia State is Oct. 15.

She will be the first women named as chancellor and succeeds Glen Johnson, who is retiring Sept. 30 after serving as chancellor since 2007. 

Garrett was previously was an administrator at Abilene Christian University in Texas and at Oklahoma Christian University. She also worked as an executive at Walmart.

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