Georgetown University

Georgetown moves to expel 2 students connected to admissions scandal

May 15, 2019
The Washington, D.C., university is one of several colleges where students gained admission through allegedly fraudulent means.

Georgetown University says it intends to expel two students after reviewing their applications in the wake of the nationwide college admissions bribery scandal.

The Washington Post reports that the university in Washington, D.C., has not disclosed the identity of the students who face imminent dismissal.

"Applicants to Georgetown affirm that the information and statements contained in their applications are true, correct and complete,” the university said in a statement. “Knowingly misrepresenting or falsifying credentials in an application can be cause for rescinding the admission of the student and dismissal from Georgetown.

“Today, we informed two students of our intent to rescind their admission and dismiss them from Georgetown. Each student case was addressed individually, and each student was given multiple opportunities to respond and provide information to the University.”

The university’s actions come two months after federal investigators announced criminal charges against 50 people who allegedly took part in a conspiracy to undermine the admissions process at several universities. One of those facing charges had been a tennis coach at Georgetown.

Thirty-three parents have been charged in the admissions scandal, along with 17 others who authorities say orchestrated or facilitated fraudulent admissions. One part involved cheating on admission tests; another involved fabricating high school athletic credentials so that applicants gave a false impression that they were recruited athletes.

William “Rick” Singer, an admissions consultant who was the alleged mastermind, has pleaded guilty to racketeering and other charges and is cooperating with investigators.

No students have been charged in the case. But Georgetown and other affected universities have been scouring their records to determine whether to revoke admissions of any students or take action against any graduates connected to Singer.

The former Georgetown coach, Gordon Ernst, is accused in federal court documents of taking bribes in exchange for designating applicants as purported tennis recruits, even though several of those he recommended did not play the sport competitively and did not play for the team after enrolling. Ernst has pleaded not guilty to racketeering conspiracy.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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