Michigan State University

Former MSU president arraigned on charges of lying about Nassar investigation

Nov. 26, 2018
Lou Anna Simon is accused of lying to police about her knowledge of the sexual abuse accusations leveled against faculty member Larry Nassar.

Former Michigan State University president Lou Anna Simon was arraigned in court today on charges she lied to police about Larry Nassar.

The Lansing State Journal reports that Simon was charged last week with two felony counts and two misdemeanor counts in connection with the investigation of Nassar, a doctor and former faculty member at Michigan State who has been accused of sexually abusing more than 150 girls and women, including several members of the U.S. Olympic gymnastics team.

Nassar has been convicted of sexual abuse and is serving a lengthy prison term.

In a brief court appearance Monday, Simon told the judge she understood the charges, and a hearing was scheduled for Dec. 18, during which they will set a date for a preliminary hearing.

The charges against Simon stem from an interview with Michigan State Police in May. Court documents say she made false or misleading statements "that she was not aware of the nature of the complaint that" prompted a 2014 Title IX investigation.

Court records state that "when asked about whether she was aware of any investigation involving Larry Nassar prior to 2016, she falsely or misleadingly said that 'I was aware that in 2014 there was a sports medicine doc who was subject to a review' when in fact she knew it was Larry Nassar who was the subject of the 2014 MSU Title IX investigation."

Attorneys for Simon contend that the prosecution of Simon is baseless and politically motivated.

Simon resigned under pressure in January after many found fault with her handling of the Nassar case. She had been president of the school since 2005.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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