
Computer vendor convicted of defrauding Bibb County (Ga.) district

July 25, 2018
CEO of Macon, Ga., technology company sold computers to district at inflated prices.

The head of a Macon, Ga., computer company has been convicted of defrauding the Bibb County (Ga.) school system in a multimillion dollar technology deal.

The Macon Telegraph reports that a federal court jury found Isaac J. Culver III, 48, guilty of conspiracy to commit wire and mail fraud, 10 counts of wire fraud, one count of mail fraud and another count of conspiracy to launder the proceeds of unlawful activity.

The charges stemmed from a $3.7 million computing deal in 2012 between Culver's company, Progressive Consulting Technologies Inc., and the Bibb County district.

The scheme came to light after now-departed school superintendent Romain Dallemand’s tenure ended in early 2013 and officials began scrutinizing business done on Dallemand’s watch.

Progressive Consulting Technologies Inc. was paid $1 million by the district to oversee parts of a $50 million-plus computing upgrade.

The upgrade include the district’s purchase of 15,000 computing devices for school offices, labs and classrooms. The devices cost Progressive about $1.7 million. Progressive then sold the devices — using an Ohio firm as a go-between to mask the sale — to Bibb schools for $3.7 million, prosecutors alleged.

Prosecutors presented evidence that Culver’s company acquired the devices and then made the improper sale to the school system by making it appear the schools were buying them from an Ohio company, not Progressive. Investigators say Culver made $120,000 in personal profit.

At sentencing, which will come later, Culver faces what could be a lengthy prison term and a sizable fine.

Culver's business partner, Dave Carty, faces similar fraud charges and will be tried later.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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