Cleveland Metropolitan School District
Collinwood High is one of 8 schools in Cleveland that will receive more intensive intervention to improve their performance

8 Cleveland schools targeted for improvement need additional intervention

Feb. 21, 2017
3 high schools and 5 elementary schools have failed to make significant gains after four years.

Eight of 13 struggling schools that the Cleveland school district targeted for extra turnaround help four years ago have failed to make significant gains and need more "intensive" work, the district has decided.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reports that all eight schools will have their academic programs redesigned and their principals and staff possibly replaced.

The extent of the changes will vary by school, but none will be closed, the district says. All eight received Fs on their state report cards for student achievement and either an F or D for how much improvement students make over a year.

Three of the eight schools are high schools—Collinwood, John Adams and Lincoln-West—where the redesign process is already underway. The other five schools are elementaries—Anton Grdina, Mound, Jamison, Marin and Case.

Here is the status of the other five schools, all elementary schools, that were among the first 13 so-called "Investment Schools" the district named in 2013:

  • Robinson G. Jones improved enough for the district to remove it from the list for district intervention.
  • The Franklin D. Roosevelt and Benesch elementary schools will still have "targeted" intervention by the district with partial redesigns.
  • The district will hold off another year before making any decisions on the Walton and Kenneth Clement schools.
About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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