Business & Finance

Charter school in Houston shuts down

Houston Heights Learning Academy decides to close and relinquish its charter.
Nov. 29, 2016

A charter school in Houston shut down earlier this month because of financial insolvency.

KPRC-TV reports that the Houston Heights Learning Academy, which was granted a charter in September 1998, decided on Nov. 18 that it would close after a review of its enrollment and its financial audit.

State records show that the school spent approximately three times more on operating expenses than the state average.

About 70 families were searching for new schools for their children.

The school has had financial problems in the past. It had moved from its original location in the Houston Heights to a location about 11 miles away, reportedly because of a dispute with the landlord. Earlier this year, teachers at the school stopped reporting to work because they had not been paid.

A statement about the closing from Houston Heights Learning Academy Board President Lalla Morris said:

“Despite the academic achievement and successes of our students, upon the review of our school’s current enrollment and the annual financial audit, the board voted to return the charter to the Texas Education Agency. This decision means that the Houston Heights Learning Academy public charter school closed November 18, 2016.

Video from KPRC-TV:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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