Linda KatehiThe Sacramento Bee reports that Katehi, who has been on a leave of absence since April, resigned after the university released the results of an investigation that found she violated policies for filing travel expenses and serving on corporate boards.
The investigation also found that Katehi had repeatedly sought out ways to enhance her online reputation by hiring outside consultants, even though she told University of California President Janet Napolitano and the news media that she hadn't.
The investigation "found numerous instances where Chancellor Katehi was not candid, either with me, the press or the public, that she exercised poor judgment and violated multiple university policies," Napolitano said in a email statement to the UC Davis community. "In these circumstances, Chancellor Katehi has now offered to resign, and I have accepted that resignation."
Napolitano ordered the investigation, conducted by a San Francisco law firm, after Katehi refused in April to resign. Napolitano placed Katehi on administrative leave while the investigation was conducted.
Ralph J. Hexter, university provost and executive vice chancellor, who has been acting chancellor since April, will continue in that position as the university searches for a permanent chancellor.
Katehi will remain at UC Davis as a faculty member.
Investigators found that Katehi’s use of image-enhancing firms was much more extensive than previously disclosed. UC Davis paid more than $407,000 to three companies to improve Katehi's image in online posts. Documents previously released showed $175,000 had been paid to two firms.