Business & Finance

Colorado district's voucher plan ruled unconstitutional

Court says Douglas County's Choice Scholarship Program would impermissibly provide financial support to religious schools.
June 29, 2015

The Colorado Supreme Court has struck down the Douglas County School District's school voucher program.

The Denver Post reports that the court found the 67,000-student district's Choice Scholarship Program was unconstitutional.

The program was put on hold in 2011 after a judge said the plan violated the state constitution and issued a permanent injunction. The voucher program's first 304 students were about to enroll in schools--most planned to attend religious schools.The program called for using taxpayer money to send children to private schools. 

The court ruled that the program conflicts with "broad, unequivocal language forbidding the State from using public money to fund religious schools."

 "...[T]his stark constitutional provision makes one thing clear: A school district may not aid religious schools," the court concluded.

Douglas County school officials have indicated they are likely to appeal the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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