Firings and resignations have increased in Los Angeles since sexual abuse scandal

Oct. 7, 2013
District launched crackdown on misconduct after scandal unfolded at Miramonte Elementary School

The Los Angeles Unified school board has voted to fire 127 educators and accepted the resignations of 110 more since February 2012, when the Miramonte Elementary School sex-abuse scandal triggered a crackdown on misconduct, according to district officials. The Los Angeles Daily News reports that officials were unable to say how many of the 237 employees had quit or been terminated because of inappropriate behavior involving students. However, they did say that “most” of the 413 educators pulled from the classroom over the past 20 months had been accused of some sort of misconduct. That total includes two teachers who are under investigation as a result of a review of 40 years’ worth of personnel files that was also launched after the Miramonte scandal.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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