Business & Finance

Battle Creek (Mich.) board votes to close one elementary school (with Video)

But the board also opted not to follow a recommendation to close a second elementary.
May 19, 2015

The Battle Creek (Mich.) board has voted to close one of its elementary schools because of declining enrollment and budget problems.

The Battle Creek Enquirer reports that the board decided to close Coburn Elementary, but opted to keep LaMora Park Elementary open, even though Superintendent Linda  Hicks had recommended closing both LaMora Park and Coburn. A consultant's report also recommended that Battle Creek close two of its schools.

The district is anticipating a $2.4 million budget shortfall in 2015-16, and an enrollment decline of 230 students. In 2004-05, Battle Creek had 7,461 students, by 2014-15, the district had only 4,709 students.The consultants estimated closing LaMora Park would save the district $491,275, and closing Coburn would save $467,590.

Video from WWMT-TV:

About the Author

Mike Kennedy

Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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