Neighbors don't like plans for stadium at Anchorage, Alaska, high school

Jan. 13, 2014
District wants to build facility with 1,600 bleacher seats at South Anchorage High

A long-running conflict over the state-funded construction of a new stadium at an Anchorage, Alaska, high school is pitting the school district against neighbors who are leery of the disruption the stadium would bring. The Anchorage Daily News says the district is asking the planning commission to allow construction of a facility at South Anchorage High School with bleacher seating for some 1,600 spectators, plus lighting and a sound system. School officials have been exploring how to lessen the effect of a new stadium on the community. The proposal is scheduled to come before the planning commission next month.

About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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