Hickory Grove Elementary School 61d349bbf0846

Three robots are helping at Illinois elementary school amid staffing shortages

Jan. 3, 2022
Two of the devices are ‘hosting and delivery’ bots and the third is a ‘disinfection’ bot.

The Dunlap (Ill.) district is using three robots to help with everyday Hickory Grove Elementary School.

Two of the devices are "hosting and delivery" bots and the third is a "disinfection" bot, reports

Hickory Grove is piloting use of the robots, which have been developed by a Peoria-based company. Students have dubbed the robots as “Rosie the Robot,” and “Roz 2.0.”

The robots can deliver video messages on their screens and deliver items to classrooms when students have forgotten their lunch or school supplies. The machines can be controlled manually or with a smartphone.

The delivery and hosting robots can speak and can accompany someone to different rooms throughout the school. 

The disinfection robot uses a UV-C disinfection light, similar to hospitals, and a dry mist. After custodians clean the school at night, the robot is programmed to move throughout the building to sanitized and disinfect. It can disinfect the entire school in three hours.

The robots use the same technology deployed in self-driving cars; it enables the robots to avoid humans and obstacles in its path.

MORE: Video from WMDB-TV:

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