coke can

Brigham Young University allows sale of caffeinated soda on campus

Sept. 22, 2017
The end of a six-decade ban on the sale of caffeinated soft drinks at the university is a real thing.

Mormon church-owned Brigham Young University has ended a six-decade ban on the sale of caffeinated soft drinks on its Provo, Utah, campus.

The Associated Press reports that the university revealed the policy change by posting a picture of a can of Coca-Cola on Twitter and just two words: “It’s happening.”

The move sparked social media celebrations from current and former students; many recalled how they had hauled their own 2-liter bottles of caffeinated sodas in their backpacks to keep awake for long study sessions.

The university never banned having caffeinated drinks on campus, but held firm to the ban on sales even when The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 2012 clarified that church health practices do not prevent members from drinking caffeinated soft drinks.

The ban has been in place since the mid-1950s. But officials have decided to bow to the increasing demand among students.”

As cafeteria workers stocked refrigerators in the student center food court with caffeinated Diet Coke, Coca-Cola and Mr. Pibb, students joked about it being the “best day ever."

“I absolutely love it. It’s been a big game changer, even just day one,” said Mckay Murphy, a junior statistics major from Springville, Utah. “I’m a really big fan of caffeine and just soda in general so it’s nice to have it on campus with easy access.”

Caffeinated soft drinks will also be sold at sporting events. Sales of highly caffeinated energy drinks are still banned.

The Mormon religion directs its nearly 16 million worldwide members to avoid alcohol and hot beverages such as coffee and tea as part of an 1833 revelation from Mormon founder Joseph Smith.
About the Author

Mike Kennedy | Senior Editor

Mike Kennedy, senior editor, has written for AS&U on a wide range of educational issues since 1999.

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