Energy Management

Southern Miss reduces its light bill

The University of Southern Mississippi has realized more than $10 million in energy savings since the school implemented measures to reduce its energy consumption in 2009.
Nov. 20, 2014

The University of Southern Mississippi has realized more than $10 million in energy savings since the school implemented measures to reduce its energy consumption in 2009.

In fiscal year 2009, Southern Miss spent $7.2 million on energy costs, the Hattiesburg American reported. For FY 2014, which ended June 30, the university’s total electric bill was $4.5 million—a $2.7 million savings over 2009.

The savings came despite energy rate increases and is attributed to reduced consumption—things such as turning off lights, unplugging appliances and changing light fixtures.

“This has been a campus-wide initiative. It’s a big animal and we have done a little bit at a time,” Chris Crenshaw, associate vice president for facilities planning and management told the Hattiesburg American.

Among the measures that the school has implemented are equipment and mechanical changes including installation of energy-efficient technological features; lighting upgrades; implementing night, weekend and holiday HVAC setbacks; and educational programs and increased communication with faculty, staff and students on how they can help reduce consumption.

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