Energy Management

Texas School District Gets Rebate for Energy Efficiency Efforts

The Harlingen (Texas) school district received a check for $69,216 from ACR Engineering Inc. after it completed air conditioning and lighting repairs to improve energy efficiency.

The Harlingen (Texas) school district received a check for $69,216 from ACR Engineering Inc. after it completed air conditioning and lighting repairs to improve energy efficiency, according to a press release issued by the district. “In building world-class schools, we work diligently to be responsible with how we use taxpayer dollars,” Superintendent of Schools Dr. Art Cavazos said. “These energy efficiency programs benefit the tax payers and allow us to responsibly serve our community.”

The school district and ACR worked together through the American Electric Power (AEP) Standard Offer Program for Energy Efficient Design.

The AEP rebate program rewards schools with funding to reduce the amount of electricity required for the school’s daily operations.

About the Author

Kimberlee Payton-Jones

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