California committee says students cannot take iPads home

June 5, 2014
A California school district erred when it allowed students to take home iPads that were purchased through a bond, says the district’s Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee. Simi Valley Unified School District is able to use the bond proceeds to buy hardware, including portable devices, for “facilities enhancement,” but they cannot be removed from the campus, the committee concluded.

A California school district erred when it allowed students to take home iPads that were purchased through a bond, says the district’s Independent Citizens’ Oversight Committee. Simi Valley Unified School District is able to use the bond proceeds to buy hardware, including portable devices, for “facilities enhancement,” but they cannot be removed from the campus, the committee concluded. About $1.7 million of a $145 million bond was spent on electronic devices, including both hand-held devices and stationary desktop computers.

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