Raises scrapped for principals, central office staff in Chicago
From The Chicago Tribune: Chicago Public Schools principals, assistant principals and central office staff will be giving up raises this year, just as teachers and members of other unions have. Faced with a budget shortfall of $712 million, the district's new administration decided to renege on an across-the-board pay increase for its unions, shaving $100 million. Now, schools chief Jean-Claude Brizard has notified principals, assistant principals and central office employees that the district would be getting rid of their scheduled pay increases, too.
JUNE 2011...from The Chicago Sun-Times: A week after the Chicago School Board rescinded salary increases for teachers and other unionized school workers, it will decide whether to approve six-figure salaries for new district CEO Jean-Claude Brizard and four other new top executives. The proposed salaries for the top administrators represent raises over what their predecessors were paid.
EARLIER...from The Chicago Sun-Times: A newly appointed Chicago School Board has decided that the district does not have enough money to cover 4 percent raises promised to teachers and other union workers. The Chicago Teachers Union now has until Monday to decide whether to reopen its contract with the district to negotiate on the issue.