Detroit identifies 4 elementary schools that will close in June

May 27, 2011
Several other campuses on closing list will remain open in 2011-12

From The Detroit News: Four Detroit Public Schools will close in June as part of a consolidation plan to shutter under-populated buildings and slash operating expenses. Carstens, Hutchinson, Van Zile and Hutchins — all elementary schools — will be closed and students will be moved to other district facilities, Emergency Manager Roy Roberts says. All of the schools previously had been announced as candidates to be closed. Schools that had been recommended for closure but that will remain open for the fall include Beard ELC, Carleton, Day School for the Deaf, Detroit City High School, Dossin, Ludington, MacDowell, Neinas, Rutherford and Trix. Next week, the district is scheduled to announce which schools and charter providers have been selected for charter authorization for the 2011-12 school year.

From The Detroit News: Three Detroit Public Schools slated for closure will remain open for the 2011-12 school year. Detroit Day School for the Deaf; Moses Field, a special education school; and Neinas Elementary have been removed from a proposed school closure list. The district plans to close six other schools and is asking charter operators to take over as many as 45 schools. Officials decided to keep Neinas open after learning that a high percentage of students walk to school and that the neighborhood's population is growing. Moses Field, which serves students with cognitive impairments, will stay open until the district can find another building to accommodate the program. The Day School for the Deaf will stay open, to "ensure current level of services,” district officials say.

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