Text-message warnings win praise at St. John's
A text-messaging system that warned of a gunman at St. John’s University in New York City earlier this week is drawing praise. The emergency messaging initiative is so new that administrators were debating whether to send a sample message out as a test when the gunman came onto the campus, wearing a mask and carrying a rifle.
Click here to read The New York Times article.
EARLIER: A troubled student wearing a Fred Flintstone mask and carrying a .50-caliber rifle was arrested at St. John’s University in New York City Wednesday, prompting the authorities to lock down the campus for three hours while they searched for a possible second gunman. The student, Omeash Hiraman, 22, was walking through the campus carrying a black plastic bag with the gun’s barrel sticking out of it when a campus security guard spotted him. Students at St. John’s were instructed, via text message to their cellphones, to stay where they were while the incident was in progress.
Click here to read The New York Times article.