Northside (Texas) district wins approval of $535 million bond package

May 9, 2010
More than half of Northside District's half-billion bond would go to existing schools
From The San Antonio Express-News: The Northside Independent District, San Antonio's largest school system, has won approval of a $535 million bond to build six new schools and pay for numerous classroom additions. The district has opened 30 new schools in the past eight years and will open five more this summer.APRIL 2010...from The San Antonio Express-News: The half-billion-dollar bond proposal that the Northside Independent School District is putting before voters May 8 marks a divergence for San Antonio's largest and fastest growing district. For the first time in a long time, the majority of the bond — 51 percent — will go to existing facilities instead of new schools. But growth remains the theme. Many of those existing facilities are getting additions to take the place of portable structures serving as classrooms. FEBRUARY 2010...from The San Antonio Express-News: The Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas, could be partnering with Bexar Countyto build a world-class Olympic competition-size outdoor pool with seating for 2,400 spectators and room for 1,200 athletes and 400 coaches. If voters approve the district's $535 million bond proposal in May, $7 million will go toward the swim center. The county will match the district's investment with another $7 million. EARLIER...from The San Antonio Express-News: The Northside Independent School District in San Antonio, Texas, will ask voters in May to approve a $535 million bond referendum in May to pay for six new schools and a host of classroom additions, renovations and maintenance projects. Officials say the 23 schools built with 2004 and 2007 bond money have have enabled the district to keep pace with growth, but some campuses still have portable classrooms, and some elementary enrollments are soaring as high as 1,000.

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