Soda is being removed from Hillsborough County vending machines

July 17, 2008
Florida district is trying to offer more healthful drinks

In the Hillsborough County (Fla.) district, Pepsi plans to replace high-calorie, fizzy drinks in school vending machines with more healthful options during the coming year, as part of a national initiative to combat childhood obesity. Pepsi, which has a 12-year, $50-million exclusive contract with Hills­borough schools, will offer only water to elementary students. Middle school students can choose between water and 10-ounce servings of 100 percent juice products. At high schools, Pepsi will sell diet soft drinks and low-calorie juices and teas. Sports drinks and fruit juices will be available in sizes no larger than 12 ounces.

To read The St. Petersburg Times article, click here.

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