California court rules for school district in t-shirt censorship case

Nov. 11, 2011
Morgan Hill district ordered students to cover up pro-U.S. apparel on Mexican holiday

From The Rutherford Institute: A federal court has ruled that a California public school district did not violate the First Amendment when it prohibited students from wearing t-shirts and other items emblazoned with American flags to school on the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo. Judge James Ware ruled that school officials' fear of disruption justified censoring the students' pro-U.S. message. The court did not raise any safety concerns about students wearing Mexican flag colors to school. Attorneys for the students and their families had contended that school officials at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill violated Supreme Court precedent forbidding viewpoint discrimination. School officials ordered students to cover up their Stars and Stripes apparel or leave the school but allowed Mexican flag colors and symbols to be worn.

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