More than 1,000 attended the long-awaited dedication Friday of the memorial in Clement Park adjacent to Columbine High School, where 12 students and a teacher were killed on April 20, 1999. The sounds of fountains punctuated the stillness inside the memorial as the curious and the grieving looked at inscriptions remembering the 13 victims.
To read The Denver Post article, click here.
FOLLOWUP: After the crowds and emotional ceremony of Friday's dedication of the circular memorial, Saturday was a quieter day at Clement Park, which adjoins Columbine High School. To read The Denver Post article, click here.
EARLIER: The park where a grieving community in Jefferson County, Colo., gathered after the Columbine High School shootings will fill again today as a memorial is dedicated to help the community heal and remember. The memorial, in a parking overlooking the high school, will offer visitors an alternative to the school grounds when they seek a place to "sit down and reflect with hope for a better future," Columbine principal Frank DeAngelis says.
Click here to read The Denver Post article.
SIDEBAR: Communities once tucked away all signs of tragic events. But shrines can offer an outlet for families. Click here to read The Denver Post article.