Inaction by administration will send 16 New York City teachers back to classrooms

Nov. 18, 2010
Accusations of misconduct prompted officials to remove the teachers from classes, but the school system didn't file formal charges within 60 days

From The New York Daily News: Sixteen New York City teachers accused of misconduct and banished to a "rubber room" are going back to their classrooms because the Education Department took too long to charge them. The teachers waited for charges more than 60 days -- a violation of an agreement between the city and the teachers union to close the rubber rooms by the end of the year. Of the roughly 600 school employees in rubber rooms as of April, 198 cases are still unresolved. But most are nearing completion and the city is "on track" to clear the backlog by the deadline, a spokeswoman says. The city would not say what landed the 16 staffers in rubber rooms. Because they were not formally charged, they are expected to be in front of students again.

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