From Columbus Business First: When the Ohio Union at Ohio State University in Columbus had its grand opening in March, alongside labor activists picketing the treatment of food service workers, there marched about two dozen Knowlton School of Architecture students taking a stand against mediocrity.“Ohio State is progressive, the Union is unimpressive,” they chanted, carrying signs such as “Ohio BOO-nion” as crowds inside applauded a structure that had been disavowed by its original design architect. The 338,000-square-foot student center provides essential gathering spaces, but was a missed opportunity to create a campus icon, says protest organizer Greg Delaney, who earned his master’s degree from Knowlton in architectural criticism this past winter.
JANUARY 2010...from The Columbus Dispatch: The grand ballroom of the new $118 million Ohio Union at Ohio State Universitywill be named for former football star Archie Griffin. The new union will open in April. An unidentified couple will donate $1 million to name the ballroom for Griffin and help offset the union's construction costs. They also have pledged to give $1 million to create an endowment fund for the Ohio State University Alumni Association.DECEMBER 2009...from The Columbus Dispatch: When the $118 million Ohio Union opens in April, Ohio State University officials hope that students will view it as their own personal campus "living room" -- a place to eat, socialize, study and just relax. At 320,000 square feet, the student union will be giant, with floor-to-ceiling windows and sweeping views of the South Oval and Downtown.