Clark County (Nev.) district prepares for budget cuts

Jan. 8, 2008
Nevada governor says state needs to ax $96 million in education spending

The only thing Clark County (Nev.) School District Superintendent Walt Rulffes knows with any certainty is that statewide education cuts totaling $96 million are coming -- soon. He doesn't know what they'll be, and it's not clear what cuts are legally allowed. In light of that uncertainty, Clark County school board members and budget personnel have outlined a broad strategy for approaching the state cuts.
Click here to read The Las Vegas Review-Journal article.

FROM DECEMBER 2007: Public education leaders in Nevada are scrambling to identify the cost and the consequences of Gov. Jim Gibbons' decision to include schools in statewide budget reductions of 4.5 percent. Education funding, initially declared exempt from the cuts, may be reduced by $96 million. Clark County Superintendent Walt Rulffes say that because the district is nearly halfway through its budget year, it will have to cut twice as much to achieve the required reductions.
Click here to read The Las Vegas Review-Journal article.

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