
New York City school may have had chemical contamination for 20 years

Bronx New School is being moved to former Catholic school campus
Aug. 19, 2011

From The New York Daily News: The air at a New York City school may have been contaminated by dangerous chemicals for as long as 20 years. Officials decided this summer to close the Bronx New School after repeated air monitoring tests revealed unsafe levels of several toxic chemicals, especially trichloroethylene, which is a possible carcinogen. At a meeting before several hundred parents, Chancellor Dennis Walcott announced that the new location will be at a former Catholic school, St. Martin of Tours, more than two miles away.

Earlier...from The Riverdale Press: Unacceptable levels of the dangerous chemical trichloroethylene (TCE) have been found inside The Bronx New School, Public School 51 in New York City, and the school will be forced to move to a new location before classes resume next month. Exposure to TCE may result in dizziness, headaches, confusion, euphoria, facial numbness, weakness, developmental issues and cancer, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. PS 51 is housed in a leased space. Officials recently inspected the building, where they found TCE levels that exceed state guidelines.

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