From The San Francisco Chronicle: Dozens of student protesters who took over an administrative building at the University of California Santa Cruz after a systemwide tuition increase were removed Sunday morning when police officers in riot gear ordered them to exit the building or face arrest. No arrests were made, and university officials say the operation concluded peacefully. On Thursday, protesters displaced about 150 workers from Kerr Hall and issued a list of demands to the university, which included freezing campus layoffs and rescinding a 15 percent cut on custodians' work hours. RELATED: Forty protesters who barricaded themselves inside Wheeler Hall at the University of California Berkeley for 11 hours Friday didn't win back the 38 custodial jobs they demanded, nor did they persuade the UC regents to rescind their decision to increase tuition by 32 percent next fall. But their daylong protest spoke directly to the mood of students, faculty and university workers, who demonstrated their frustration with ever-increasing fees and ever-decreasing jobs. The occupation of the two-story building on the Berkeley campus ended Friday night as Alameda County sheriffs deputies escorted the protesters out of the building and past more than 2,000 supporters. The protesters will face misdemeanor trespassing charges.