Report says 15 percent of charter schools have closed since 1992

Dec. 21, 2011
Most common reason for closing is financial

News release: A report from the Center for Education Reform finds that charter schools historically have experienced a 15 percent closure rate. The report, The State of Charter Schools: What We Know – and What We Do Not – About Performance and Accountability, is the first-ever national analysis regarding the number of charter schools that have closed since 1992. It states that of approximately 6,700 charter schools that have ever opened across the United States, 1,036 have closed since 1992. There are 500 additional charter schools that have been consolidated back into the district or received a charter but were unable to open. The five primary reasons identified for charter closures are financial (41.7 percent), mismanagement (24 percent), academic (18.6 percent), district obstacles (6.3 percent) and facilities (4.6 percent).

Read the entire report (PDF file).

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