Entire staff at high school in Savannah, Ga., is being dismissed
From The Savannah Morning News: All employees of Beach High School in Savannah, Ga., will be relieved of their duties at the end of this school year as part of a plan to avoid a state takeover. Principal Deonn Stone and her staff have been able to stave off the state for four years by making slow, steady academic gains. That gave them time to battle through the social and economic issues that had driven down outcomes for years. But Savannah-Chatham public schools Superintendent Thomas Lockamy says the state is raising its No Child Left Behind Act benchmarks this year and won't give Beach High any more time to catch up. The state has offered to provide up to $6 million to bolster the school's fresh start. But they'll have to purge Beach High's 200 teachers, staff and administrators to seal the deal. Only 49 percent of them can be rehired.