Struggling Cleveland charter school will shut down later this month

Feb. 3, 2012
Marcus Garvey Academy already was due to close in June

From The Cleveland Plain Dealer: Marcus Garvey Academy, a Cleveland charter school slated to be shut down by the state at the end of June because of its poor test scores, will instead close in two weeks. In recent years, the school endured a cheating scandal and had its state funding temporarily frozen because financial records were in such bad shape they couldn't be properly audited. The academy has a little more than 100 students enrolled.

Earlier.... AUGUST 2011....from The Cleveland Plain Dealer: Two charter schools in Cleveland and one in Akronwill have to close by the end of June because of continuing poor test scores. The Ohio Department of Education says the schools are Marcus Garvey Academy and Elite Academy of the Arts in Cleveland, and Lighthouse Academy in Akron. State law requires closure of elementary charter schools that have been rated in academic emergency for two of the last three years and have not shown expected growth in a tested subject over two of the last three years.

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