Washington D.C., mayor raises doubts about teacher evaluation system

Jan. 19, 2011
Vincent Gray says system put in place by former chancellor Michelle Rhee has “a long way to go”

From The Washington Post: Washington, D.C., Mayor Vincent C. Gray says that the IMPACT teacher evaluation system, regarded as former schools chancellor Michelle A. Rhee's signature reform, has "a long way to go" before it is fair because it places at a disadvantage instructors in schools with large numbers of students challenged by the effects of poverty and other social conditions. Gray's criticism of IMPACT, his most explicit since entering office, echoes that of the Washington Teachers' Union, a major financial supporter of his candidacy. It appears to clash with a core tenet of Rhee and her successor, Interim Chancellor Kaya Henderson: that excellent teachers can help children thrive academically, regardless of the students' economic or social backgrounds.

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