Giles County (Va.) board decides to remove Ten Commandments display at high school

June 1, 2012
Student has contended in a lawsuit that the display violated freedom of religion protections

From The Roanoke Times: A copy of the Ten Commandments will soon be taken down from a hallway wall at a Virginia high school where it has hung during a year and a half of controversy and litigation. The Giles County (Va.) School Board has voted unanimously to replace the display at Narrows High School with a copy of a page from a history textbook that mentions the Ten Commandments in conjunction with American government and morality. The board's action comes less than a month after a federal judge questioned about whether the commandments display violates the constitutional separation of church and state. An anonymous student, represented by the American Civil Liberties Union, has sued to have the Ten Commandments display removed.

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