Beverly Hills (Calif.) district fights subway plan

July 16, 2012
Extension of Los Angeles train system would travel under high school campus

From The New York Times: A planned subway that would tunnel more than 15 miles from downtown Los Angeles to the Pacific Ocean has stirred tensions between Beverly Hills school officials and Los Angeles transit advocates. Beverly Hills has gone to court to block the proposed subway line from burrowing under a high school. The Beverly Hills district contends that the tunnel poses a safety threat to students — the high school is built on a still-active oil field and is near an earthquake fault — and would interfere with a $3 million plan to renovate the campus.

EARLIER.... JUNE 2011...from The Los Angeles Times: A subway extension in Los Angeles appears to be getting closer to reality, but the Beverly Hills Unified School District contends that tunneling for the project could disrupt its plans to expand and update its aging 22-acre high school campus. One of two subway routes being considered would burrow directly beneath the school. Beverly Hills officials contend the other potential route is cheaper and less disruptive.

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