Baltimore city board reinstates principal fired in test-cheating probe

Aug. 28, 2012
But Angela Faltz won't get return to her job as principal of Abbottston Elementary until 2013

From The Baltimore Sun: The Baltimore city school board has reinstated a principal who had been fired by CEO Andrés Alonso over alleged cheating at her school. But the reinstatement of Abbottston Elementary School Principal Angela Faltz won't take effect until 2013, and she won't receive back pay. Board members also upheld Alonso's decision to dismiss Marcy Isaac, the assistant principal of Abbottston Elementary, who had been testing coordinator. In 2010, Alonso dismissed Faltz and Isaac; he concluded they were responsible for suspected cheating on the Maryland School Assessment tests in 2008-09. In May, two hearing officers found that, contrary to Alonso's assertions, there was not enough evidence to confirm that cheating had taken place at the school. The hearing officers recommended that the two administrators be reinstated, with back pay.

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