Foundation seeks to lure charter school operators to San Antonio

Oct. 29, 2012
Choose to Succeed organization is trying to raise $50 million

From The San Antonio Express-News: A coalition of San Antonio philanthropists is throwing its support — and a lot of money — behind a group of charter school operators that could someday educate nearly one in four area students. The Choose to Succeed effort, led by George W. Brackenridge Foundation trustee Victoria Rico, aims to bring four charter management organizations to San Antonio within the next couple of years. Combined with two that already operate schools in the area—KIPP and IDEA Public Schools—the six could serve about 80,000 area students by 2026 at as many as 145 campuses. The six charter organizations: BASIS Schools, Carpe Diem Schools, Great Hearts Academies, IDEA Public Schools, KIPP and Rocketship Education. Cultivating their growth in San Antonio would require more than $50 million in local donations, about $24 million of which has already been raised.

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